How-to: Transport & Strap A Kayak To your Car
How-to Transport & strap Your Kayak to your car
The easiest way to transport your kayak is to avoid transporting it as much as possible first of all. At Kailua Beach Adventures, we are a short walk to the beach, so we provide handheld wheeled carts for you to easily wheel the kayak to the beach from our shop. This is perferable because it takes almost zero time and you don’t have to worry about taking the time in securing your kayak to the top of your car and then driving and finding parking and then pulling it from the parking lot to the beach itself again. However, we realize that some of the best paddling destinations will require a short drive and made this step-by-step guide to help you.
Here is a numbered step-by-step guide on how to strap a kayak to a car:
Make sure you’re using the right vehicle:
It is easy to transport a kayak on almost any car including sedans, compacts, hatchbacks, SUVs, vans, and trucks. Roof racks are nice, but are definitely not necessary. The only cars that make it difficult to transport a kayak are convertibles or absolutely tiny cars like a smart car.Using roof racks or makeshift pads:
While roof racks make the process easier, they are not mandatory. Many rental shops including KBA provide EVA foam blocks to place on top of your vehicle to prevent direct contact between the kayak and the roof. In the absence of foam blocks, rolled-up towels can be used as a substitute in a pinch.Assess the number of kayaks:
Consider the maximum number of kayaks that can be safely loaded onto your car. We recommend a maximum of three kayaks (whether double or single person kayaks doesn’t matter), with smaller cars accommodating only one or two kayaks.Preparing the kayak and vehicle:
Ensure the kayak is prepared for loading by storing all accessories in the car, unclipping kayak seats, securing loose straps, and flipping the kayak so that the bottom faces upwards. Remember that you don’t want anything hanging off the kayak because it may hit against the roof of the vehicle. Verify that the ground is clear of obstacles, all car doors are closed, and sideview mirrors are pushed inward.Lifting the kayak onto the car:
Enlist the help of one person at the nose and one person at the tail of the kayak to lift it up and onto the foam blocks or padded straps. If available, an additional third person can hold the foam blocks in place to prevent them from moving.
PRO TIP! – If loading multiple kayaks, load the kayaks on top of each other so they nestle together in the same direction.Balancing and centering the kayak:
Once the kayak is on the roof, ensure it is balanced by having the individuals at the ends slowly release their hold without any movement. Generally, we try to align the kayak's center handles between the foam blocks or padded straps and check that it is centered and not angled from the front of the vehicle.Securing the kayak to the car:
If your car lacks roof racks, open all doors and throw the strap ends over the kayak while holding onto the metal part of the tie-down straps. Have a person on the other side pass the straps through and secure them with the buckle.
PRO TIP! – Make sure that the metal buckle part of the strap is far away enough from the car itself so that way it doesn’t scrape up against the car while driving.PRO TIP! – Make sure that the straps are flush against the top of the kayak with no twists, but add twists to the area of the straps that are not touching the kayak. This allows for wind to be deflected and minimized the noise and flapping sound while driving with the kayak.
Ensuring proper strap placement:
Position the metal buckle part of the strap away from the car to avoid scraping during the journey. Ensure the straps are flush against the top of the kayak without twists, but add twists to the parts of the straps that are not in contact with the kayak to minimize wind noise and flapping.Tying off excess strap length:
Secure any extra length of the straps to prevent them from blowing in the wind or loosening during the drive.Unloading the kayak:
When you reach your destination, unload the kayak carefully to avoid damage to your car and kayak. Be sure to push in your side mirrors in on the side of the car that you are taking the kayak off from. Lift the kayak gently rather than dragging it along the ground, as dragging can cause scratches and make the kayak more susceptible to punctures.
Remember to triple-check that your kayak is securely fastened to your vehicle, take pictures for insurance purposes, and use towels or blankets to protect both the kayak and your car during loading. With these steps, you'll be well-prepared for a successful and stress-free kayak transportation experience. Visit Kailua Beach Adventures to rent a kayak and enjoy your Oahu water adventures with confidence and ease.
From Vehicle To Water: The Right Way
Whenever you take your kayak out, avoid dragging it along the ground. It's best to either hoist it up off the ground or get someone to help carry it with one person at each end. Dragging it can damage the bottom of the kayak and make it more susceptible to punctures. Plus, it's just harder on your back than lifting it!
So next time you head out for a paddle, take a little extra care with your kayak and lift it gently into place. Your back will thank you later.
Tips & Advice
Triple-Check that your kayak is secured to your vehicle. While we covered this in a previous section, we can't stress this enough. An unsecured kayak poses a risk to other drivers, yourself, and your wallet. No amount of explaining is going to save you from paying the damages to the kayak from flying off your vehicle at 40mph on the road.
Take pictures of your kayak before and after renting for your own insurance sake.
Put in the side mirrors of your vehicle before lifting the kayak up to put it on the car.
Use towels and/or blankets to protect your vehicle and the kayak when loading it.
Enjoy Kayaking with Kailua beach adventures!
Now that you know how to transport your kayak, it's time to get out on the water! Come visit us at Kailua Beach Adventures to rent a kayak and start your Oahu adventure. We have a variety of kayaks to choose from, so you can find the perfect one for your needs. And our experienced staff can help you plan your trip and ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable experience.
The beach is a short walk from our store, so we provide free foam pads and straps so you can drive your kayak to Kailua Beach or Lanikai Beach. If you’re staying in a residence along Kailua or Lanikai Beach, we deliver rental kayaks free of charge for multi-day rentals.
So what are you waiting for? Come Visit us today and start exploring the beautiful waters of Oahu!